The Online Corpus of the GRE
ORI Project
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Text Selection
Amphilochios of Iconium
Anonymous - Anonymous Account of a Turkish Siege of Constantinople
Anonymous - Chronicle of 811
Anonymous - Martyrium Sancti Aretae et Sociorum - BHG 166
Anonymous - Narratio De Rebus Armeniae
Anonymous - Res Gestae Divi Saporis
Anonymous - Scriptor incertus de Leone Armenio
Anonymus - Chronicon Bruxellense
Anonymus - Vita et Miracula Sanctorum Iasonis et Sosipatri - BHG 776
Apocalypse of John (NA28)
Asterius of Amasea
Basilius Minimus
Basilius of Caesarea
Basilius of Caesarea - Test Corpus (beta version)
CAB 001 - Nicephoros Gregoras
CAB 002 - Gregory Chioniades
CAB 009 - Georgios Gemistos Plethon
CAB 010 - Pseudo-Messahalla
CAB_suppl. - Anonymous - Byzantine Cosmological Treatise (from ms. Harleianus 5624)
CAB_suppl. - Barlaam of Seminara
CAB_suppl. - Peter the Philosopher - Astronomical Treatise
Concilium Oecumenicorum Decreta
Dorotheos of Mytilene
Ephrem Graecus
Eustathius of Thessalonike
Firmus of Caesarea
Galen of Pergamon
Gregory Presbyter
Gregory of Nazianzus
Gregory of Nyssa
Isaac of Nineveh
John Anagnostes
John Kaminiates
John Kananos
John of Dalyatha
Joseph Genesios
Nikephoros Patriarch of CP
Philo the Paradoxographer
Philostratos of Athens
Philoxenus of Mabbug
Pondera UCLouvain Corpus
Procopius of Caesarea
Pseudo-Nonnos of Panopolis
Suidae Lexicon
Theophanes the Confessor
Typicon Pacouriani
Anonymous Account of a Turkish Siege of Constantinople (1394-1402) - Anonymous
Apocalypse - Pseudo-Methodius
Apocalypse of John (NA28)
Ascetical Homilies - Isaac of Nineveh
CAB 001 - Calculation of the Solar Eclipse of July 16th, 1330
CAB 002 - Astronomical Works of Gregory Chioniades - The Zīj al-ʿAlāʾī
CAB 009 - Astronomy Handbook
CAB 010 - Treatise on the Astrolabe
CAB_suppl. - Anonymous - Byzantine Cosmological Treatise (from ms. Harleianus 5624)
CAB_suppl. - Peter the Philosopher - Astronomical Treatise
CAB_suppl. - Treatise on the Easter Date
CAB_suppl. - Treatises on Solar Eclipses of 1333 and 1337
Christus Patiens
Chron. Brux. - Anonymous
Chronicle - Theophanes the Confessor
Chronicle of 811 - Anonymous
Commentaries on the Orationes 4, 5 and 38 of Gregory of Nazianzus - Basilius Minimus
Commentarii in IV orationes Gregorii Nazianzeni - Pseudo-Nonnos of Panopolis
Concilium Oecumenicorum Decreta
Contra Haereticos - Amphilochios of Iconium
Corpus Epistularum Patrum Cappadocum - Letters - Basilius of Caesarea
Corpus Epistularum Patrum Cappadocum - Letters - Firmus of Caesarea
Corpus Epistularum Patrum Cappadocum - Letters - Gregory of Nazianzus
Corpus Epistularum Patrum Cappadocum - Letters - Gregory of Nyssa
De Aedificiis - Procopius of Caesarea
De Bello Goth. - Procopius of Caesarea
De Bello Pers. - Procopius of Caesarea
De Bello Vand. - Procopius of Caesarea
De Genio Socratis
De Thessalonica Capta - Account of the Last Capture of Thessalonica (by the Turks in 1430) - John Anagnostes
De Thessalonica Capta - The capture of Thessaloniki (by the Saracens in 904) - John Kaminiates
De Thessalonica Capta - The conquest of Thessalonica (by the Normans in 1185) - Eustathius of Thessalonike
Ducas Istoria Turco-Bizantină
Enchomiυm Sancti Basilii Magni - Amphilochios of Iconium
Epistula Synodalis - Amphilochios of Iconium
Fragmenta - Amphilochios of Iconium
Historia Arcana - Procopius of Caesarea
Homilies - Amphilochios of Iconium
Homilies - Asterius of Amasea
Homilies - John of Dalyatha
Homilies on the Pater noster - Gregory of Nyssa
Homily 01. In Sanctum Pascha - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 02. Apologetica - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 03. Ad Eos Qui Ipsum Acciverant Nec Occurrerant - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 04. Contra Julianum I - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 05. Contra Julianum II - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 06. De Pace I - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 07. In Laudem Caesaris Fratris - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 08. In Laudem Sororis Suae Gorgoniae - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 09. Apologeticus Ad Patrem - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 10. In Seipsum - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 11. Ad Gregorium Nyssenum - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 12. Ad Patrem - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 13. In Consecratione Eulalii Episcopi - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 14. De Pauperum Amore - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 15. In Machabaeorum Laudem - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 16. In Patrem Tacentem - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 17. Ad Cives Nazianzenos - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 18. Funebris In Patrem - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 19. Ad Julianum Tributorum Exaequatorem - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 20. De Dogmate et Constitutione Episcoporum - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 21. In Laudem Athanasii - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 22. De Pace II - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 23. De Pace III - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 24. In Laudem S. Cypriani - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 25. In Laudem Heronis Philosophi - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 26. In Seipsum - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 27. Theologica I - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 28. Theologica II - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 29. Theologica III - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 30. Theologica IV - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 31. Theologica V - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 32. De Moderatione In Disputando - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 33. Contra Arianos Et De Seipso - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 34. In Aegyptiorum Adventum - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 35. De Martyribus Et Adversus Arianos - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 36. De Seipso - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 37. In Mattheum, XIX, 1-12 - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 38. In Theophania - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 39. In Sancta Lumina - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 40. In Sanctum Baptisma - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 41. In Penteconsten - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 42. Supremum Vale - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 43. In Laudem Basilii Magni - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 44. In Novam Dominicam - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily 45. In Sanctum Pascha - Gregory of Nazianzus
Homily on Resurrection - Amphilochios of Iconium
Iambi ad Seleucum - Amphilochios of Iconium
Letter to Symeon - Philoxenus of Mabbug
Life of Apollonios of Tyana - Philostratos of Athens
Life of Gregory of Nazianzus - Gregory Presbyter
Life of Otho
Life of Solon
Martyrium Sancti Aretae et Sociorum (BHG 166) - Anonymous
Narratio De Rebus Armeniae - Anonymous
New History
On Simple Drugs - Galen of Pergamon
On the Reigns of the Emperors - Joseph Genesios
On the Siege of Constantinople (1422) - Dorotheos of Mytilene
Poemata Dogmatica - Gregory of Nazianzus
Poemata Moralia - Gregory of Nazianzus
Pondera UCLouvain Corpus - Ancient and medieval weights (mid-sixth century BCE - mid-fifteen century CE)
Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Monumentum Ancyrianum. The Deeds of the Divine Augustus
Res Gestae Divi Saporis. Shapur's inscription at the Ka'ba-ye Zartosht - Anonymous
Scriptor incertus de Leone Armenio - Anonymous
Short History - Nikephoros Patriarch of CP
Suidae Lexicon, Proemium and Alpha (1 - 4740)
Test Corpus (beta version) - Basilius of Caesarea
Testamentum - Ephrem Graecus
Testamentum - Gregory of Nazianzus
Travel Guide to the Seven Wonders of the World - Philo the Paradoxographer
Turkish Siege of Constantinople in 1422 - John Kananos
Typikon of Gregory Pakourianos
Vita et Miracula Sanctorum Iasonis et Sosipatri (BHG 776) - Anonymous
1st cent. AD
1st-2d cent. AD
2nd-3d cent. AD
2nd cent. AD
3rd cent. AD
4th-15th cent. AD
4th-5th cent. AD
4th-6th cent. AD
4th cent. AD
5th cent. AD
5th-6th cent. AD
6th cent. AD
7th-8th cent. AD
7th cent. AD
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8th cent. AD
9th-10th cent. AD
9th cent. AD
10th cent. AD
11th cent. AD
12th cent. AD
13th-14th cent. AD
14th cent. AD
14th-15th cent. AD
15th cent. AD
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Translated from another language